Is it safe to go to panama for vacation?

Misdemeanors are more common than violent crimes. Take care of your belongings, especially at transportation hubs. Violent crimes include armed robberies and assaults. Be more careful in Panama due to crime.

Panama is one of the safest countries in Central America, but some precautions are always worth taking. Pickpockets are common in busy areas of Panama City, including bus stations, markets and shopping areas, so keep your valuables in a safe place. Visitors heading to the beach should be very careful when swimming or surfing in the Pacific and Caribbean oceans, where there are strong tides. There are often no warning signs, and tour guides rarely warn their clients about dangerous areas.

Remember, no matter what, stay calm and swim parallel to the shore and away from the current. It is best to avoid topics related to politics, religion, the Panama Canal and the Panama Papers out of respect for Panamanian residents. If you're looking for idyllic islands, rolling waves, wild nature and spectacular wildlife, Panama is an ideal destination. The northeastern region of the province of Darién, near the Caribbean Sea, is dangerous due to incidents of kidnapping, murder and drug trafficking by Colombian guerrilla and paramilitary groups who have crossed the border into Panama.

Although the amount of rain depends on the coast you're on, downpours usually come in short, sharp bursts in the afternoon before the sun forces you to put your Panama hat back on. Foreign visitors are asked to carry their passports with them at all times, and the police sometimes check this, but it's safer to carry a photocopy or photo of the first few pages and the entry stamp and leave the original document in a safe place. Panama City is a modern and clean city, but a very visible poor underclass lives in dilapidated neighborhoods that feature prominently on the city's west side. Panama is moving at a relaxed pace, even in the city, so don't expect quick responses to requests. Report a crime by calling 511 9260 (the Panama City Tourist Police) or 104 (National Police) and have your embassy number ready.

Panama City is safe, as crime is low to moderate and occurs mainly in neighborhoods such as El Chorrillo and Curundú; these neighborhoods should be avoided if possible. English is widely spoken, especially in Panama City and Boquete, but mastering some basic phrases in Spanish will win the locals the love of the locals and help you if you're traveling far from the tourist spots. Uber and Lyft are also available in Panama City (although drivers are usually willing to cross the country), in addition to UberEnglish for people who don't speak Spanish and UberAssist for people with mobility problems. Panamanians love to party, and barely a week goes by without a party, from La Feria de las Flores y del Café in Boquete to the national Carnival, whose biggest and loudest celebrations take place in Las Tablas, on the Azuero Peninsula.

The U.S. Department of State is currently advising U.S. citizens to act with greater caution in Panama due to crime. Located at the crossroads of the Americas, connecting two oceans, and beyond its cosmopolitan capital and legendary canal, Panama is a biodiversity hotspot.

Abigail Angelotti
Abigail Angelotti

General tv evangelist. Freelance social media specialist. Hipster-friendly twitter specialist. Beer fanatic. Typical student.