What animals are in panama for kids?

Panama has a rich mix of North and South American animals. South American animals include sloths, anteaters and armadillos. North American animals include jaguars, tapirs, and deer. Panama's birds include quetzals, hummingbirds, parrots and flycatchers.

A member of the raccoon family, the white-nosed coati is a curious and adaptable creature that is often seen searching for food on the forest floor. Panama is home to many unique animals found only in Panama. The mysterious golden frogs have shiny skin and are believed to bring good luck to people. The number of golden frogs is decreasing, and so is the number of turtles Marinas.

The three largest indigenous groups in Panama are the Kunas, Emberás and Ngöbe-Buglés, and they still live in remote areas of the country. Two that are highly recommended are the Buenaventura Zoo (Conservation Center), which works for the protection and care of the region's fauna, and Rachel's Ark, a rescue center for exotic animals. Panama's landscape is comprised of low-lying rainforests and coastal areas comprised of mangroves, dry forests and fields, upland and cloud forests, volcanic mountain ranges, island archipelagos, and open ocean. Raptors and Forests Foundation of Panama (Raptors and Forests Foundation of Panama): research, environmental education and community participation for conservation.

Creatures such as the Fer-de-Lance snake, certain species of spiders and even some marine animals can pose a threat if provoked or frightened. The Baird tapir, Panama's national animal, looks like a mix between a pig and an elephant, with a distinctive, flexible snout. The Panama Canal, built by the United States after Panama's independence from Colombia in 1903, links the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Stay on marked paths, avoid touching or disturbing animals, and always dispose of waste properly. Local and international conservation projects cover a wide variety of Panama's wildlife with the drive and passion to ensure the protection and survival of the great biodiversity that exists here for many generations to come.

Some of the rarest mammals in Panama are the West Indian manatee, the Baird tapir and the giant anteater, and the presence of spectacled bears (Andean) has even been documented. Panama is also home to a variety of marine mammals and is very popular for whale watching from July to October. During the excavations of the Panama Canal, important investigations have been carried out, which have revealed to us a world of mass animal migration. When it comes to Panamanian wildlife, one of Panama's national symbols is the Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki).

So, the next time you think of a destination that offers encounters with nature, let yourself be seduced by Panama's rich variety of animals. While nearly two dozen Panamanian snakes are venomous, most are not, and cases of bites are very rare. These huge cetaceans come surprisingly close to the continent and can be seen from the coast; however, the best way to see one is to go out by boat to the Panama Bay.

Abigail Angelotti
Abigail Angelotti

General tv evangelist. Freelance social media specialist. Hipster-friendly twitter specialist. Beer fanatic. Typical student.